Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Eternal Patrol Synopsis

While using his grandfather’s journal to search for a sunken ship containing lost Nazi gold, Dr. George Washington witnesses a meteor crash to earth. The impact opens a time gate and propels him back to World War II where he is taken aboard an American submarine, the Dorado, and thought to be a spy.

During present day, a marine salvage operation finds a World War II era submarine buried at the bottom of the Pacific. The location showed nothing but sand several days earlier. The crew decides to send down an ROV to investigate.

Onboard the submarine, George refuses to divulge information about the outcome of the war. He and the crew endure unusual contacts with enormous ships and are shadowed by submarines that make no sound. With a gun to his head, he releases his knowledge that the Allies have broken the German code Enigma.

Back in the present, the salvage crew finds a modern day transmitter attached to the sunken submarine. Only the device is encrusted with sixty years of undersea growth.
George discovers that he did not travel back to the past, the submarine traveled to the future. What appeared to be fellow countrymen are German spies posing as Americans about to travel through the time gate and alter the outcome of the war. Dr. Washington must follow them through and stop this tragic turn of events that will alter his past.

In an attempt to retrieve the transmitter, the small manned submersible becomes entangled in the wreckage of the sub. They send down a diver in a hard suit to free the ROV but a current pushes him a half mile from the site and he must walk the distance on the ocean floor. He is attacked by a giant octopus before he reaches the trapped crew.

Back in 1943, George is brought aboard another American submarine, the Corvina, where he is again treated as a German spy. This time he surrenders all his knowledge of the War. Only George’s version has WWII ending in 1953 after the Allies drop an atomic bomb on Berlin and an invasion of Japan killed over one million Allied soldiers. During his stay on this boat, George meets and befriends his young grandfather who is a crewman on the sub.

(Present Day)As the diver frees the trapped submersible, a live torpedo releases from the bow and floats upward toward the salvage ship. The men in the small vessel race to catch the ordinance before it reaches the surface and destroys their ship.

(Past)George convinces the sub commander to intercept the boat with the Nazi gold. Enroute, he discovers his grandfather sending the German crew on the Dorado vital details that would allow them to capture the Corvina. A struggle ensues over a handgun and George kills his grandfather. Faced with a future on a timeline that is not his, George helps the crew track down the Dorado. They locate the rogue sub only to come under attack by a Japanese destroyer.

(Present) The crew of the submersible tries to avoid the sinking wreckage of one of the research vessels hit by the torpedo. Still on the bottom of the ocean, the diver investigates the interior of the sub. He finds German military equipment mixed with American. As he discovers the name of the boat, he receives a radio transmission two hundred tons of ship is headed his way.

(Past)Chased by the Japanese destroyer and the Dorado, the Corvina uses its last torpedo to sink the enemy sub and escapes the destroyer by sailing through the time gate as the meteor impacts.

During the present day, narrowly escaping the impact of the torpedo, the diver makes his way back to the surface with the log book from the destroyed sub. As the crew reads the entries they see the details of a war that did not take place.
Trapped in the year 2010, George and the submarine crew begin new lives, with the captured gold bars, in a world where the war ended in 1945, and both the Dorado and Corvina are listed by the Navy as “On eternal patrol.”

If you would like to read the first three chapters of Eternal Patrol, send me an email.

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